As an online educator, you expand your capacity to make a difference by reaching a population of students who otherwise might not have the luxury of continuing their education. This five-module professional development program was developed by a dedicated team of technology and pedagogy experts to help you provide the best possible online learning experience for your students. The course models the practices and strategies used by the OTIDE Instructional Design Team when developing online courses for UA Online students.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Define common terms related to online teaching.
- Discuss important considerations and actions to take in the opening days of an online course.
- Discuss the principles of Quality Matters and the importance of QM certifications.
- Explain federal regulations and UA policy regarding regular and substantive interaction.
- List the three types of student engagement and discuss tools and techniques for achieving them.
Module Topics
- The First Day of Class
- Quality Matters
- RSI (Regular and Substantive Interaction)
- Communication, Feedback, and Instructor Presence
- Student Engagement
4 hours
UA faculty, staff and graduate students. An active myBama ID is required.
Register now for the Excellence in Online Teaching course. Please note that enrollment is not immediate. In approximately one business day you will be enrolled. To access the course, follow the directions you receive in your confirmation email.
Digital Badge
Completion of this program earns a digital badge as verification of your achievement.