Background on Learning and Teaching


First Day

  • The first day of class establishes the tone for the course. Even seasoned teachers get nervous before meeting a new group of students for the first time, so preparing in advance can help ease nerves.
    • If possible, visit your classroom prior to the first day. Does it have technology available, and if so, do you know how to operate it? Some classrooms come equipped with dry erase markers and other supplies, while others do not. It never hurts to have your own. How is the classroom arranged? If you rearrange furniture, please put it back the way you found it at the end of your class. Are there any accessibility needs you should be aware of?
    • Go to the faculty tab of myBama and print or download your class rosters. You can also view photo class lists, which can help with learning students’ names. Be sure to refresh your roster each day through the add/drop period because many students change schedules after courses begin. This is normal, so try not to take it personally.
    • Greet your students, introduce yourself and if possible ask them to introduce themselves. Go over the syllabus, provide an introduction to the course and have students do something related to the course so they have an idea of what to expect.
  • See additional resources curated by the A&S Teaching Hub, The University of Michigan and Vanderbilt University, as well as the articles below.